
Succeeding Your Career Transition

The Best Way to Identify and Find Your Ideal Job

TO: Everyone who is suffering in their career and wants to find their ideal job

The biggest difference between people who are happy in their careers and those who aren’t, has almost nothing to do with their level of education or their experience.

But it does have a lot to do with whether or not they are using their natural talents and gifts that they were born with.


It’s vital that you live the life for which you were intended. Not one that is dictated by family, friends or society at large.

Luckily, life has a way of letting us know when we stray from our destiny, our life path.

First a small reminder, a small event, a small nudge, to let us know that something in our life is not quite right and we need to make some changes.

But if we don’t pay attention, those events get bigger and bigger, more and more serious, until we can no longer ignore them.

Be thankful that you have finally noticed that you are receiving such guidance from the universe. It means that you can change what is no longer working for you and get re-centred.


Suffer, and hope that things will get better in your job in the future; you just have to be patient for a little while longer.
Your hire a standard consultant to help solve the challenge for you, but they only propose standard solutions.

But with those options, come several additional problems.

First, from my experience, most problems don’t just disappear on their own. In many cases, they get worse over time if not addressed – and then you are suffering even more.

Of course, if you don’t want to wait, or realize that things are getting more serious, then you could hire a standard coach or career consultant to help you. But you deserve a personalised solution, don’t you?

You already know that there are many DRAWBACKs to hiring a standard coach

First the vast majority of so-called “professional coaches” use standard approaches, often after joining an association of people who all work in the same way. These coaches talk big but they usually fit you into an already defined solutions box. FAIL!
Secondly, nobody knows you and your problems better than you do. Nobody! So by hiring somebody else to find a solution, you’re blindly hoping that they’ll understand the ins and outs of your personal situation. And more often than not they just won’t know enough to make things better for you. FAIL!
Third, hiring a coach isn’t cheap. What’s more, you’ll have to hire one every time you have a problem. And as I said we all have problems, all our life, so it will be a never-ending expense. FAIL!


It leaves you wasting your time and money hiring a standard coach for standard and if you’re lucky getting an incomplete solution to one problem. And only one problem! You’ll have to pay more if you want to have help on any other challenges you have!

… and you’ll probably be wishing that you knew how to do it all yourself, on your own.

You could of course purchase books and videos to read and watch, and then follow what they suggest. There are some great ones out there, so that may be worth doing.

But with that said, there are even more problems

It costs money and while each one may not cost a lot, it’s still an investment in something you don’t know if it will work for you. And it ultimately depends on whether you can read / watch each one you buy and most importantly absorb the learnings, and then implement them.

It takes a lot of time to read / watch each one, certainly weeks if not months. And each time you won’t know it’s value to you until you’ve finished. And there are no guarantees.

And the biggest problem of all? It will probably take you years to start applying your learnings and to get the results you are looking for.

Of course, doing all of that takes both time and money, as you try to figure out what will work for your particular situation, out of everything you learn. Much of it won’t be relevant to your specific situation, let alone in line with your desires, talents and lifestyle.

Who am I and how do I know this?


I’m Denyse

Your Intuitive Coach

I am an intuitive coach who refused my gifts as a child so I would fit in. But after decades of receiving messages for myself and others, I have finally embraced my talent openly.

Before this, I was a corporate woman, a real high-flyer.I smashed through the corporate glass ceilings of several multinationals, all the time leading a five-star, jet-set lifestyle most women only dream of living.

Then ten years ago I got fired, and my life quickly went downhill. I suffered a serious hiking accident in the Alps; had emergency back surgery that left my right leg partially paralysed; recovered from a life-threatening illness; and almost died on the operating table because of an impossible medical error! I’ve had more than my share of crises in my life!

I believe that the Universe sends us signs when we stray from our destined life path. And if we ignore them – as I did! – the messages get stronger and stronger until we finally listen.

I also believe that the challenges we are given, are precisely what we need at that moment to help us to learn and grow. Whatever crossroads you are at in your life, you can make the right choices and come out stronger on the other side.

I take great pleasure in shining a light on the darkest moments of people’s lives, showing them how to find their way out and back onto the path they were destined to follow.


Then it’s time to start working with an Intuitive Coach.

INTRODUCING “Succeeding Your Career Transition”

“Succeeding Your Career Transition” is a six-week programme where we work together on identifying and then finding your ideal job. The sessions are private, one-to-one, to help you to find personalized solutions to your personal challenges.

Here’s what you’re going to get in detail.

Six weeks of private coaching

A process that can help solve whatever problems you are facing

A clear plan of action to start addressing your challenge

A boost to your intuition

Enhanced self-confidence

Increased feelings of self-worth

An energy for living from increased happiness and joy

Once learned, you can use the PAINT process to solve your challenges not only in your job, but also in your health, your wellness, your friends, or even with your partner.

Whatever problems come your way, whatever signs and messages the Universe is sending you to get you back on your path, this process will help.

“Succeeding Your Career Transition”

is not your typical program that you find online these days.

It is NOT:

Just online group sessions

Merely access to recorded modules to watch on your own

Standard solutions that rarely answer your specific needs

But It IS:

A PERSONALISED, 1-on-1 coaching program

A process that provides clear ANSWERS to your problems

A system that you can use over and over again


If you are sick and tired of your problems and need help to get them solved, the

“Succeeding Your Career Transition”

program will help. And it is so easy that anyone can follow it.

Select the one problem that is hurting the most. This should be your priority as you work through the program.

Think back to your childhood and what you loved doing. Identify the feelings and emotions associated with those activities.

Review the activities and emotions from your childhood and apply them to your life today, to answer your problem.

Evaluate the evidence of your intuition developing, based on your dreams, ideas and messages from your inner voice.


It really is that simple. Once you have gone through the process once with me, you are able to continue to use the process for any other problems and challenges you want to solve in the future, even on your own!

HOW MUCH DOES “Succeeding Your Career Transition” COST?

By now you’re probably wondering how much “Succeeding Your Career Transition” costs.

Well the regular price is $ 5,000 for the full personalized six-week program with me. This is already quite a bargain considering:

Fees for a regular coach can be as much as $ 1,000 per session, $ 4,000 a month, or almost $ 50,000 a year!
The huge variety of problems and challenges that you can treat with the exact same PAINT system.
The speed with which you will start to see results.

Because you attended the webinar or were sent the special offer link for this “Succeeding Your Career Transition” program, you’re going to get an amazing deal that you won’t find anywhere else – not even in my store!

Instead of paying the normal price of $ 5,000, you can get “Succeeding Your Career Transition” for just $ 2,995. That’s a saving of over 40%!

Just one small payment of $ 2,995, That's All

And again, that’s a one-time payment for a system that you can use over and over again, for the rest of your life. By investing just $ 2,995, you will have your own program to follow every time you are feeling down or sad or frustrated by a problem.

And don’t forget that the more you use it, the more your own intuition will grow. You will begin to have unwavering confidence in your inner voice and be able to follow your gut instincts, knowing that they are pointing you in the right direction.

So go ahead and get “Succeeding Your Career Transition”

At a huge discount today


Follow “Succeeding Your Career Transition” for the first three weeks (21 days). Do all the exercises and homework you will be given.

If at any time during those first 21 days you don’t feel comfortable with the process or working with your intuitive coach, just send me an email and I will refund your money.

BUT, unlike other offers, I will ask for your feedback. You see, as an intuitive coach, I should be able to provide each person with the EXACT support they need, when they need it. If I fail you, then I want to know how. Fair? I think so.

As I see it, you now have three choices:

Do nothing and see if your problem goes away on its own. From my experience that doesn’t happen very often.

Hire a standard coach for a minimum of $ 10,000 and get standard solutions that will almost certainly not help you much with your own, personal situation.

Invest just a small amount in the “PAINT Your Career Colourful” program today and leverage my intuitive powers as well as learn a successful 5-step process to solve your problems today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life.

So go ahead and get “Succeeding Your Career Transition" at an