Career Tests

The Best Career Tests and Quizzes to Help You Find Your Dream Job

C3Centricity: Career Quiz

Are you unhappy in work these days? Are you constantly stressed or lacking any balance with your private life? Do you ever feel that you don’t fit in at the office anymore? Have you ever experienced mental or physical harassment on the job? If so, it might be time to move on.

According to the experts, these are just a few of the signs that it’s time to leave your job. However, before you decide to resign, answer the following ten questions to see exactly how happy you are in your job these days. Then check out the suggested actions before you take that final step.

Cost : Free

My Next Move: O*Net Interest Profiler

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this free job quiz will help you identify where your career interests lie, then point you toward career paths that might feed those interests.

The results section has a “Current Job Zone” where you can explore opportunities based on the experience you currently have as well as a “Future Job Zone” that showcases how much education and experience you’ll need to secure the job you want.

Although, this is a platform that is US-based. It is useful wherever you may live because the careers mentioned are relevant anywhere.

Cost : Free Career Aptitude Test

Rather than answer questions on a sliding scale of agree or disagree, this free career test shows four photos (each picture depicts work associated with a specific type of personality) and you choose both your favorite and least favorite illustrated activity. After 15 questions, you get a “Holland Code” result, based on John Holland’s theory of personality types and careers, along with a list of suggested occupations that match your specific type.

Cost: Free

What Career Is Right For Me: Career Aptitude Test

What’s unique about this test’s approach is that you are asked to rank your skillset along with your interests, work style, values, plus how much money you would like to make and how much potential growth you’d like to see in your career field. The results are no-nonsense with links to job descriptions as well as job openings.

Cost: Free

Truity: Various Tests

This platform includes some of the best-known tests –  Enneagram, TypeFinder, Big5, DISC – as well as many others, mostly for free.

With this free career personality test, you’ll discover more about how you relate to others in less than 10 minutes. The results detail how open to new experiences you are, how much self-discipline you may have, how much of an extrovert you are, and how you handle stressful situations—not just how you imagine yourself to be. This intel is especially useful to understand when it comes to how you handle your job and coworkers.

Cost: Free for the basic report; $19.95 for the full report Various Tests offers four different assessment options—a career personality test, a career interest inventory, a career skills profiler, and a career values assessment—that together will measure your career personality, similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, and help you find your ideal career.

You can still learn things from each test individually, though. For example, the “career values test” will give you a sense of what to look for in a position in order to find meaning, while the “careers personality test” includes 739 careers ranked according to how well the jobs align with your personality.

Cost: Free–$19.95

CareerExplorer: Career Test

This comprehensive career test for adults measures your interests, history, and goals, and workplace and personality traits and matches you along with several aspects so you can make an informed decision regarding your career. In return for taking the 20-minute test, you also get personalized top career matches and insights.

Cost: Free for the basic report; $35 for the premium report Career Test - Work Personality Analysis

This 60-question quiz not only helps to identify your personality strengths but applies the results to how to find the right career. While you can check out the free career test version for your core strengths and management style, it’s worth the upgrade for the premium 10-page report where even more useful information can be found. Feedback includes the best career choices for your personality type, details about potential weaknesses, and your ideal business environments.

Cost: Free–$39.95 MAPP Career Test

The MAPP (Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential) test focuses on your motivations like what sorts of tasks you like best, how you like to perform them, and how you deal with people, data, things, reasoning, and language to help determine your true calling. There are various packages to choose from for more in-depth information but the free sample offers ample knowledge about your top trait in each category and suggests ten possible career areas.

Cost: Free sample; $89.95+ for full results

Self-Directed Search

The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is a career assessment test that matches people with jobs based on aspirations, activities, interests, and the like. The result is a personalized report ranking and detailing how realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional you may be—a version of the Holland theory called RIASEC. Along with your personalized summary code, you also receive a list of careers, salary data, and educational opportunities that best fit you and your results.

Cost: $9.95

The Enneagram Institute: Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator

This test tells you which of the nine Enneagram types you are most like: the reformer, the helper, the achiever, the individualist, the investigator, the loyalist, the enthusiast, the challenger, or the peacemaker.

Understanding more about your type can not only help you get along better with your co-workers, but it can also clue you in about which characteristics you need in a career in order for it to be fulfilling.

Cost: $12

Gallup: CliftonStrengths

Formally known as the Clifton StrengthsFinder, this career path test helps users uncover what they naturally do best, shows them how they can develop their talents into strengths, and then guides them to strategically use those skills to advance their career.

After taking the quiz, you’ll get a customized report that lists your top five dominant talents, along with videos and supporting materials to help you achieve academic, career, and personal success.

Cost: $19.99 and up

The Myers-Briggs Organization: MBTI Instrument

Applicable across all areas of your life, the MBTI is probably one of the most-used assessments by career centers and managers alike. The MBTI gives you your personality preferences: where you get your energy, how you like to take in information, how you make decisions, and what kind of structure you like in the world around you.

While these preferences can certainly point to careers that might suit you well, they can also give you a lot of valuable information about what kind of workplaces might be best for you, what your working preferences are, and how you can best relate to others at the office.

If you don’t want to pay to take the official test, you can take a pretty good (and free) online version here.

Cost: $49.95 for a basic online report; $175 with personal feedback

Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation: Aptitude Assessment

This nonprofit research foundation has been studying human innate abilities and aptitudes since 1922 to help people make informed decisions about their career paths. The foundation reasons that the career someone finds most rewarding is the one that uses their natural aptitudes and strengths. By identifying those aptitudes, they help you zero in on a field that will most likely bring you the most satisfaction. Unlike most tests that can be performed online, these tests are only available at 11 testing centers across the country.

If getting to a center is not in your future (or the $750 price tag is too hefty!), you can get a taste for the Johnson O’Connor approach via a free career assessment test they developed for, where you can take five short tests to measure a variety of different skills, from inductive reasoning to structural visualization. You can see which jobs require that skill—and get a sense of what types of careers might be a fit for your abilities.

Cost: $750 for most offices; $850 in San Francisco, Florida, and Austin

Personal Values Free Online Test

Select values that resonate with you. Please select at least ten values from the list below.

Cost : Free