Keynotes & Talk Topics

Catalyse Your Work

Overview of the talk:

We all spend our days, and sometimes nights, working to earn a living. But many of us live to work rather than working to live. There is no happiness to be found in that.
To achieve happiness in our careers, we must make use of the gifts and talents we were born with. They provide us with the opportunity to be happy in our work and for it to give us feelings of pleasure rather than of unhappiness or frustration.
In this powerful talk, Denyse will share some inspiring real-life stories of people who have given up or adapted their corporate jobs by incorporating their natural gifts.

Major topics covered:

  • How to create a life worth living.
  • The statistics behind work and careers today.
  • Identifying and making use of your innate talents.
  • Keys to finding (more) happiness in your work.
  • A 5-step process for Finding Your Happy Career


  • Own and pilot your career.
  • Identify what and how to improve your career present and future
  • Identify your strengths.
  • Identify your ideal job profile.

This session includes many practical exercises to motivate and inspire you to adopt the perfect career for you, using your very personal strengths and gifts.

Catalyse Your Wellness

Overview of the talk:

We all live in a body that enables us to enjoy what this planet can provide. But we often forget to look after it until something goes wrong in its working. There is no happiness to be found in a body, mind or spirit that does not fulfil all our needs.
To achieve happiness in our bodies, we must make a conscious effort to listen to the messages our bodies send us when something is out of synch. If we don’t correct these small things, they can grow into larger and sometimes even life-threatening illnesses.
In this powerful talk, Denyse will share some of her own real-life stories of how she was forced to listen to what her body was telling her. Luckily, she responded – eventually – to these signs and started living a life that was both healthier and happier.

Major topics covered:

  • How to create a life worth living.
  • The statistics behind diseases of the body, mind and spirit.
  • Identifying which parts of your mind, body and spirit are currently working sub-optimally.
  • Keys to finding (more) happiness in your body, mind, spirit.
  • A 5-step process for Finding Your Happy Body


  • Own and nurture your body.
  • Identify what and how to improve your health and wellness for today and tomorrow.
  • Identify the areas that need strengthening, to enable you to live a happier life in the body you have been given.
  • Identify your ideal nutrition, movement and mind support program.

This session includes many practical exercises to motivate and inspire you to adopt the lifestyle that will support your optimal health and wellbeing.

Catalyse Your Relationships

Overview of the talk:

We all spend our days with people and need to maintain happy and healthy relationships with them. However, there are times when things go off key and we may even consider ending the relationship, whether with friends or even our partner. There is no happiness in remaining close to them, but it doesn’t need to be the end. It is possible to refresh and revise the relationship, or perhaps not; at least we can work through the options together.
To achieve happiness in our relationships, we must develop a healthy perspective of sharing and support. If one is giving or taking more than the other, the relationship is neither healthy nor happy.
In this powerful talk, Denyse will share some inspiring real-life stories of people who have worked through their differences and developed a much closer tie.

Major topics covered:

  • How to create a life worth living.
  • The statistics behind marriage, divorce and friendship.
  • Identifying the roles in a relationship and what needs changing.
  • Keys to finding (more) happiness in your relationships.
  • A 5-step process for Finding Your Happy Relationship


  • Own and pilot your relationships with your partner and friends.
  • Identify what and how to improve your relationships.
  • Identify your role in each relationship.
  • Identify your ideal partner or friends in function of your own needs.

This session includes many practical exercises to motivate and inspire you to adopt the perfect relationships for you, using your very personal strengths and gifts.